Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I love Auntie Katie!

Do you think I look chunky in this picture? Oh well. I'd like to give a special shout out to my auntie Katie! She moved to college a couple of weeks ago and I miss her. I want her to know that I love her and hope she's doing well at college.

As you can see in the picture above, I have a ton of teeth! I even have a lot of molars. Molars are the greatest. They make my eating experience wonderful.

This is a picture of me giving attitude at meal time. I am now pretty good at sign language and can communicate with my parents about my preferences. This makes life a lot better for me. I can sign banana, food, cracker, milk, more, all done, diaper, and water.

One last thing, I love for my mommy and daddy to read to me. I find books and bring them to my parents so they will sit down and read with me. My favorite book right now is "Where is Baby's Belly Button?" I point out the baby's nose, mouth, etc. and then point it out on my own face. ( I still need help finding them on my own though.) The other day my daddy was taking a nap on the couch. My mommy looked over and saw me standing over Daddy holding the book and pointing to the book and then to my face. I was trying to get him to read and play the game with me. I was so happy when he woke up and read to me.


Anonymous said...

Hey AnnaBee!!! I miss you too!! You are the cutest little girl ever, and I miss my Biscuit! Remember I love you!!! And I really miss you little girl, with all my heart! I love you!

Your Favorite,
Auntie Katie!!!

Sarah said...

Hey Laurel & Biscuit!
This is Sarah Anthony. I stumbled on to your blog from some else's blog. It has been a while. You sure have a very cute little girl. Anyway just thought I would say hi!

Mickelle said...

So, how did we miss the memo that this blog existed, and we could actually access it? Wow.

Can't wait to see you next week!

Sarah said...

Hey I just made my blog private. If you want to be able to read it email me at srhanthony@yahoo.com.
I haven't seen a new post for a while. Hope your doing good!